Rice Cake, Incredibly Delicious and Easy to Make!

If you’re looking for a delightful treat that’s both simple and satisfying, this rice cake recipe is perfect for you! This moist and flavorful cake combines the unique taste of rice tea with the richness of coconut and condensed milk, creating a dessert that’s sure to impress. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just a sweet snack, this cake is easy to whip up and incredibly delicious.
Let’s dive into the recipe!


  • 1 cup of  rice tea
  • 240ml of milk
  •  eggs
  • 100g grated coconut
  • 160g sugar
  • 200ml of oil
  • 200g ½ can of condensed milk
  • 1 tablespoon of yeast
  • butter

How to do it:

In a bowl add the rice, milk and set aside for 3 hours.
Then transfer the rice into a blender, add the eggs, grated coconut, sugar, oil, condensed milk and beat everything very well.
Add the yeast and beat for another 30 seconds.
Grease a central hole mold with butter, spreading it well over the bottom and sides, then transfer the entire mixture into the mold and bake at 180 degrees for 50 minutes.

Help yourself!

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