Creamy Coffee Just Like Coffee Shops!

Indulge in the rich and creamy taste of coffee shop-quality coffee right at home with this easy recipe. Perfectly balanced between sweetness and robust coffee flavor, this creamy coffee creation will elevate your mornings or provide a delightful afternoon pick-me-up.

Let’s dive into making your own creamy coffee masterpiece!


  • 1 cup of sugar

  • 50g instant coffee

  • 250ml hot water

Way of doing

  • In a bowl add the sugar, instant coffee and mix these ingredients well
  • Add the hot water and mix, then use a mixer to beat the mixture until it reaches the point and doubles in volume.
  • And when it reaches the desired consistency, pour the coffee into pots, cover and refrigerate to preserve.
  • Put the amount you want in a cup, add hot milk and mix well
  • Help yourself!


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