Strawberry Juice with Rice

This unique recipe combines the refreshing sweetness of strawberries with the comforting texture of rice, resulting in a delightful and unexpected beverage. Blending the vibrant flavors of ripe strawberries with the subtle richness of rice creates a drink that’s both satisfying and refreshing, perfect for a summer afternoon or as a creative twist on a classic treat.

The addition of sugar and vanilla essence enhances the natural sweetness of the strawberries while adding a hint of warmth and depth to each sip. Whether enjoyed as a refreshing drink on its own or served alongside a meal, this strawberry juice with rice is sure to surprise and delight your taste buds.

Discover how this simple yet inventive recipe can bring a new dimension to your beverage repertoire, offering a refreshing alternative that celebrates the best flavors of the season.


  • 20 strawberries
  • 1 cup of rice
  • 250g sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

Way of doing:

In a pan add the strawberries mixed with the rice, then add water to cover, cover and let cook for 20 minutes.
Transfer everything to a blender and blend until well blended.
Remove half of the mixture and set aside.
Add the sugar to the blender and let it blend.
Transfer the mixture from the blender to a bowl, passing through a strainer, then add the half that was reserved.
Add the vanilla essence and mix well.

Serve with ice.


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