Discover a delightful way to preserve the taste of apples with this simple yet delicious recipe. This apple in syrup recipe will give you a sweet and tangy treat that’s perfect for enjoying throughout the year. With just a few basic ingredients, including fresh apples, lemon, and sugar, you can create a luscious syrup that enhances the natural flavor of the fruit. Follow these easy steps to make your own homemade apple preserves that will bring a burst of fruity sweetness to any dish or snack.


  • water
  • 1 lemon
  • 2kg of apple
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar

How to do it:

In a bowl add the water, squeeze the lemon and stir.
Cut the apples into cubes.
Transfer the apples to the bowl with the water and set aside for 5 minutes.
Drain all the water from the apples.
Place the apples in 3 glass jars.
In each pot add a tablespoon of sugar, on top of the apples.
Then add water until the jars are full.
Cover the jars and stir to mix everything.
In a pan, line a cloth at the bottom, place the jars inside, add water to the pan and bring to a boil.
Then let it rest for 3 hours.

Help yourself!

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