Fried Steak accompanied by Salad

“Indulge in a classic combination of tender Fried Steak served alongside a fresh, vibrant Salad. This recipe pairs perfectly seasoned steaks with a refreshing medley of vegetables, dressed with olive oil and herbs. It’s a delightful dish that balances richness with freshness, making it ideal for a satisfying meal any time.”

If you need further details or instructions on preparing the dish, feel free to ask!


  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 2 steaks
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper to taste
  • ½ onion
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 tomatoes
  • olive oil to taste
  • parsley to taste
  • rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon of butter

Way of doing:

In a pan add the butter, let it melt.
Then add the steaks, salt and black pepper, turn the side and repeat the process.
Cut the onion into slices, the cucumber and tomatoes into cubes.
Then transfer everything to a bowl, add the salt, black pepper, olive oil, parsley and mix well.
In the pan where the meat is, add the rosemary, butter and let it melt.
Pour the pan broth over the steaks.

Help yourself!


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